The R10 switch is the latest innovative COMELETRIC product. It has the usual characteristics of the self cleaning contact system, which is the only way to properly switch DC currents.
The miscellaneous shapes of rotor and fix contacts allow us to perform different switching schemes in accordance with the customer requirements.
– Perfect for installations on rolling stock applications such as trains, metros, trams or in any environment with high shock and vibration conditions
– Slim design of body contact makes it ideal for fitting in panels, control and driver desks or any narrow electrical device with little space available
– Wiring connections are possible with pins, forks, as well as ring type cable lugs
– Access to the terminal is possible from both sides of the switch
Model R301
– 2 to 8 position Stay put or Spring return type
– Supplied with Frontplate size 48x48mm or 64x64mm
– Standard type handle or Padlockable
Model R302 (Key Operated Switch)
– Operated directly with key
– Available with keys equal to each other or up to 200 different keys
– Master Key Systems is available
Model R303 (Key Lock Switch)
– This model is used when activation by non-authorized staff has to be prevented.
Model R304 (with Spring Return and Last Position Mechanical Indicator)
The Mechanical Trip indicator shows the indication of the last command Given.
Red = Close
Green = Open